Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Hello everyone! Our wonderfull admin greg (the guy who makes badges) Is dubbing this week Buried Treasure Week! The way it works is that the less popular games (3.7 or lower) that greg thinks is awsome will get a card worth points, one game a day, one card a day, for 5 days.The cards nothing big, he said 10-20 points. For more info, go to: http://www.kongregate.com/forums/1/topics/15303

Heres the schedule so far:

Monday: Dog Eat Dog- Badge(s): Business Executive Badge (medium – 15 points)
Eat 50 dogs during a single game- Challenge: Score 10,000 points – This challenge is worth 20 points

Tuesday: Cirplosion- Badge(s): Dot Destroyer Badge (medium – 15 points)
Obliterate 10 dots with a single explosion; Circular Savant Badge (hard – 30 points)
Score 2,000 points in "Cirvival" mode- Challenge: Complete level 10 – This must be done in "normal" mode. This challenge is worth 20 points.

Wednesday: Parachute Retrospect- Badge(s): Stickicidal Maniac Badge (easy – 5 points)
Be a complete jerk; Parachutes Are Overrated Badge (medium – 15 points)
Rescue 150 heroes- Challenge: Complete Parachute Retrospect with at least 30 lives remaining – This challenge is worth 20 points

Thursday: Jumpcat- Badge(s): Leisurely Stroll Badge (easy – 5 points)
Score 10,000 points; Frisky Feline Badge (hard – 30 points)
Score 40,000 points- Challenge: Score 20,000 points – This challenge is worth 20 points


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