Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Weekly Art Contest!

Hey, this is Flare_x, moderator and Feed the Ducks regular! I was thinking about a weekly art contest, and this is how it would go.

Every week there would be a theme for the art contest, and FtD regulars would submit art via email. Then, several judges including myself will decide the winners, and announce 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, along with a runner up. Along with the winners, the next theme will be announced, as chosen by readers.

Specifics and other stuff can always be decided on later. You can volunteer to be a possible judge in the comments, but that doesn't guarantee you will be one.

So, I'd just like some input on the idea. Thanks!


ChaosFlame said...

Sounds cool! ^^

Mistress said...

I can't draw, but could be a judge. Great idea!

Ducklette said...

I can help judge, Flare! Also, the first art topic should definitely be duck related!

James said...

Sounds awesome!